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  1. Lycoming Wide Deck and Narrow Deck Engines

    Information on identifying the difference between standard and wide deck configurations in the O-360 and IO-360 Lycoming engines.
  2. TCDS for Ercoupe

    Download PDF Type Certificate Data Sheets for Ercoupe, Forney, Alon and Mooney M10 aircraft.
  3. Piper Drawings and Manuals List

    List of all the Piper drawings and manuals by part number that Univair has available for sale.
  4. PMA Supplement List

    Download the PDF spreadsheet of all FAA Parts Manufacturing Approval eligible parts available from Univair. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this file. Once you have opened the file, you can search for a particular part number by ...
  5. Piper 6 Digit Cross Reference

    This 46 page document cross references acceptable alternatives and supersedures for Piper 6 digit part numbers.
  6. AD 95-12-01 Forward Wing Spars

    Inspection of the wing forward spar fuselage attachment assembly for cracks or corrosion, and replacing or repairing any cracked or corroded part.
  7. Ercoupe 415-C Flight Manual

    Erco never issued a “flight manual” for the 415-C or the 415-CD. In 1946 when most of the 415-C and 415-CD aircraft were manufactured, the Civil Aeronautics Authority (CAA) had no requirement for a flight manual. As such, the 415-C Weight and Balance form was and remains the only approved data requirement for the 415-C.
  8. AN Hardware Guide

    This 4 page illustrated guide shows the AN3 through AN6264 hardware available from Univair.
  9. AD 68-05-01 Exhaust Mufflers

    Inspection of the engine exhaust muffler and shroud assembly, carburetor heat shroud and air duct, support braces, clamps and brackets, exhaust stacks and manifolds.
  10. AD 2000-25-02 R1 Wood Spars

    Requires inspecting the front and rear wood spars for damage, including installing any as-needed inspection holes; and repairing or replacing any damaged wood spar.