Luscombe 8 Series

ADs for Type Certificate A-694

AD 96-24-17 R1 Wing Inspection Holes

Installing new inspection holes, modifying the wing tip fairings, and inspecting the wing spars for intergranular corrosion.

AD 94-16-02 Stabilizer Forward Attach Fitting

Inspecting the existing aluminum vertical stabilizer forward attach fitting for cracks, and replacing any cracked parts.

AD 62-24-03 Cabin Heat System

How to preclude failure of the exhaust stacks which can cause carbon monoxide contamination of the cabin when cabin heat is used.

AD 61-03-05 Fuel Line Interference

Remove the fairing at the wing root of each wing and inspect the wing root area for interference between the forward fuel line and the aileron cable and/or aileron pulley.

AD 55-24-01 Corrosion Inspection

Extreme surface corrosion has been found to exist inside the fuselage spar carry through structures of Luscombe Series 8 aircraft, particularly in those airplanes located near coastal areas.

AD 51-10-02 Control Cable Inspection

Due to recurring failures of the control cables, all cables should be carefully inspected at each section which passes either over a pulley or through a fairlead.

AD 50-37-01 Fuel System Modifications

Luscombe equipped with carburetor engines and fuselage fuel tanks without appropriate modifications to the fuel system may experience engine failure during takeoff and climb under low fuel conditions.

AD 49-43-02 Stabilizer Spar Inspection

Inspect for crushing of the stabilizer front spar and the aluminum alloy reinforcing spacers.

AD 48-49-01 Vertical Stabilizer Spar Fitting

Inspect the vertical stabilizer rear spar fuselage attachment fitting for evidence of cracks in the fitting flange.

AD 48-09-03 Kollsman Airspeed Baffle

Remove small baffle LAC P/N 181112 to allow for more accurate airspeed readings. With baffle installed readings can be incorrect by as much as +15 mph.

AD 48-08-02 Inspection of Wheel Flanges

Remove the tires and inspect the wheel flanges for fatigue cracks.

AD 47-22-01 Bulkhead Reinforcement For Seaplanes

Inspect all seaplanes to determine if the bulkhead reinforcements of Luscombe Drawing 48701 are presently installed at fuselage Station 4.

AD 47-10-40 Rudder Control Arm Reinforcement

Determine if the attachment of the rudder control arm to the torque tube has been reinforced by a steel strap.

AD 46-30-01 Control Stick Horn Adjustment Screw

Replace the adjustment screw in the lower end of the control stick horn, with an AN 520-10-44 screw in order to prevent interference with the lower fuselage skin.