Stinson 108 Series

ADs for Type Certificate A-767

AD 50-34-01 Retaining Flanges

Blade retaining flanges, P/N 3277 must be replaced with P/N 3277-1.

AD 50-25-01 Fuel Drip Strip

Reports of fuel seepage into the space between the inner cabin trim and the outer fabric covering of the fuselage.

AD 50-17-02 Rudder Cable Inspection

Reports of broken core strands in the rudder cables where they pass over the pulley at fuselage Station 18.75.

AD 49-16-02 Wing Fabric Inspection

Steps to prevent wing fabric loosening along the upper surface of the front and rear spars in the area of the fuel tank causing a spoiler action.

AD 47-50-12 Stabilizer Attachment Fitting

Inspection of the stabilizer leading edge attachment to the fuselage should be made for fatigue cracks.

AD 47-50-11 Ash Tray Modification

The front ash trays shall be modified to the self-contained type or a "No Smoking" placard installed.