Aeronca, Champion, Citabria, Bellanca

ADs for Type Certificates A-759, A-761 and A21CE

AD 2009-22-02 Inspection of Rear Seat Back Hinge Area

Required inspection of the rear seat back hinge areas for cracking and excessive elongation of the rear seat hinge bolt hole and replacement of the rear seat frame if necessary.

AD 2005-24-10 Pilot's Operating Handbook Limitation

Required inspection for incorrect swaging width of the cable Nicopress sleeves on the elevator, rudder, aileron, and flap control cables, and make a temporary POH limitation entry.

AD 2000-25-02 R1 Wood Spars

Requires inspecting the front and rear wood spars for damage, including installing any as-needed inspection holes; and repairing or replacing any damaged wood spar.

AD 90-15-15 R1 Front Spar Strut Fittings

Directions to prevent failure of the upper wing front spar strut fittings, P/N 2-1976, that could result in an in-flight separation of the wing.

AD 89-18-06 Front Folding Seats

Directions to prevent failure of the seat back which could result in loss of control of the airplane.

AD 81-16-04 Installation of Competition Harness

Directions to insure that the competition harness (also referred to as the ACRO harness) is installed properly.

AD 80-21-06 Muffler Core and Body Assembly

Prevention of a degradation of the induction system icing protection or partial engine power loss.

AD 79-22-01 Exhaust System

Steps to prevent exhaust system cracking.

AD 77-22-05 Operating Limitations

Attach an operating limitation placard near the airspeed indicator in full view of the pilot, remove red radial marking on airspeed indicator, and/or replace wing front lift struts.

AD 76-22-01 Adjustable Front Seat

Steps to detect permanent deformation and/or cracks in the lower frame side tubes on the adjustable front seat.

AD 75-17-16 Engine Power Loss

Directions to prevent possible engine power loss due to fatigue failure of the carburetor alternate air valves.

AD 75-04-12 Markings on Tachometer

Prevent possible resonant vibratory conditions with McCauley Model 1A200/HFA fixed pitch propellers installed on Lycoming 0-360-C2A, or -C2E type engines.

AD 74-23-04 Rib Flanges

Steps to detect evidence of fatigue cracks and/or distortion of rib flanges, and required repairs if damage is found.

AD 74-15-07 Propeller Mounting

Verify that the propeller is properly indexed to the crankshaft flange.

AD 72-20-06 Aerobatic Flight Placard

Prevent flight controls malfunction including possible loss of control due to cable failure.

AD 72-18-03 Corrosion of Rudder and Elevator Cables

How to detect battery acid corrosion of elevator and rudder control cables and corrosion of other airframe components in the battery area.

AD 71-20-04 Lower Fuselage Longeron

How to prevent structural failure of the lower longerons.

AD 67-03-02 Fuel Shutoff Valve Bracket

Until the lower bracket supporting the fuel shutoff valve is modified in accordance with Champion Service Letter No. 73, acrobatic maneuvers in aircraft of these models may not be performed.

AD 64-04-03 Air Door Hinge

As a result of several cases of engine power loss due to the carburetor alternate air door being sucked into the engine, make the spring loaded alternate air door inoperative by one of the following methods.

AD 57-20-01 Fireproof Steering Link Boot

Instructions to prevent the entry of fire and fumes into the cabin compartment in the event of a powerplant fire.