Updated Articles

  1. SM-48 Piper PA-14 Specifications and Performance

    General specifications of the Piper PA-14 Family Cruiser.
  2. SM-47 Piper PA-12 Specifications and Performance

    General specifications of the Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser.
  3. SM-46 Piper PA-11 Specifications and Performance

    General specifications of the Piper PA-11 Cub Special.
  4. SM-45 Piper J-5C Specifications and Performance

    General specifications for Piper Cub Super Cruiser J5C-100 (commercial models).
  5. SM-44 Piper J-5A/B Specifications and Performance

    General specifications for Piper Cub Cruiser J5A-75 and J5B-75 (commercial models).
  6. SM-43 Piper J4E-75 Specifications and Performance

    General specifications for Piper Cub Coupe J4E-75 (commercial models).
  7. SM-42 Piper J4A-65 Specifications and Performance

    General specifications for Piper Cub Coupe J4A-65 (commercial models).
  8. SM-41 Piper J-3 Specifications and Performance

    General specifications of the Piper J-3 Cub Trainer (commercial models).
  9. SM-35 Piper PA-20/PA-22 Increase in Gross Weight

    Increase in gross weight 1800 to 1950 pounds (Lycoming 0-290-d engine) (125 hp only).
  10. SM-30 Piper PA-14 CAA Field Approvals for Engines

    Field approvals for Piper PA-14 engines not listed in the CAA specifications.