Updated Articles

  1. SM-42 Ercoupe Rerouting of Fuel Pump Lines

    Failure of a fuel pump pressure line, due to chafing on the nose cowl has resulted in a change in the routing of the fuel pump lines.
  2. SM-39 Ercoupe Installation of Aluminum Wing Tanks in Lieu of Ternplate Tanks

    Instructions for replacing wing fuel tanks constructed of ternplate with aluminum tanks.
  3. SM-38 Ercoupe Trim Tab Control Installation

    The longitudinal trim system for the Ercoupe has been redesigned to employ a movable section on the trailing edge of the elevator.
  4. SM-37 Approval of Additional Propellers for Ercoupe

    A list of propellers that have been approved by the C.A.A. for installation on the Ercoupe.
  5. SM-36 Ercoupe Engine Cowling Fastener Change From Dzus to Camloc

    Effective on all Ercoupes serially numbered 2623 and subsequent, the engine cowling will be secured with Camloc fasteners.
  6. SM-32 Ercoupe Brake Pedal Arm (415-33438) - Effect of Change

    The brake pedal arm has been redesigned as a result of reported failures on this part in the field.
  7. SM-29 Ercoupe Provision for Locking Cabin Windows

    Provisions for locking the sliding windows with or without the green sunshade.
  8. SM-27A Ercoupe Supplement to Service Memo 27

    A change has been made to Memorandum No. 27 regarding the adhesive used to cement the walkway to the center section.
  9. SM-27 Ercoupe Walkways

    List of materials used to create an abrasive walkway on the center section, and instructions for its application.
  10. SM-26 Ercoupe Hose - Resistoflex Fuel and Oil Line

    Reports that a certain batch of Resistoflex was used in fuel systems which caused trouble. This batch, manufactured during third quarter of 1945, can be identified by marking LP-3-45.