List of materials used to create an abrasive walkway on the center section, and instructions for its application.
Reports that a certain batch of Resistoflex was used in fuel systems which caused trouble. This batch, manufactured during third quarter of 1945, can be identified by marking LP-3-45.
All planes with effective serial numbers 1623 and up have the redesigned trim system installed. All planes shipped by rail will be shipped as follows.
Covers the tightening of the propeller hub bolts on the Continental hub used with the Continental C-75 and C-85 engines.
Installation of Oil Cooler Kits on Ercoupes without oil coolers.
The method now used for longitudinal trimming, in the present Ercoupe airplane, was adopted only after very careful consideration and with the thought that the safety quality of the plane would be definitely improved.
Changes to prevent cracks occurring in the region of the uppermost rivet used to attach the stiffener to the side cowl.
Undesirable vibration occasionally occurs in the Ercoupe airplane and the cause has been traced to the nose landing gear.
The recurrence of muffler failures has necessitated redesign of the muffler to eliminate the possibility of carbon monoxide being introduced into the cabin.
Visual inspection of the throttle cable and housing for fatigue and possible cracking.