Suggested procedure for use in rigging, or making adjustments to the rigging, of the new elevator type in 1948 Ercoupe models.
Suggested procedure for use in rigging or making adjustments to the rigging of the Ercoupe.
Instructions for the installation of the Trim-O-Matic (T-O-M).
Installation instructions and materials list to reinforce the rear center section beam with an additional stiffener angle, part number 415-13109.
Instructions on the installation of the 5.00 x 5 and 6.00 x 6 nose wheels on Ercoupes, especially those subject to unusually rough landings or operating from unusually rough fields.
Information and installation instructions for replacing a ternplate fuel tank with an aluminum fuel tank.
This memorandum is a supplement to Memorandum #49, covering the inspection of control column cables.
Reports of fraying of the control column cable assemblies resulting from contact of the cable assemblies with the set screw in the aileron stops.
Reinforcing the Seat Back Assembly (cover) in the area of contact with the Seat Assembly Center Frame in order to provide additional service life.
Information of the effect of dents in the outer panel leading edge skin.