Rework to improve the life of the outer cylinder for the steel nose gear, and the need for oversize pins to permit the salvaging of the outer cylinder in the Electrol strut.
Information regarding the difficulties which may be experienced when trying to make a parachute jump from an Ercoupe.
A placard titled "INTENTIONAL SPINS PROHIBITED," must be installed in full view of the pilot on all 415-C or CD Ercoupes that have rudder pedals.
In keeping with the many requests we have had for rudder pedal installations in the Ercoupe, we are now adding SK-21 Rudder Pedal Kit to our long list of optional equipment and accessories.
Service Memorandum #58, issued in May 1950, called attention to the necessity of properly maintaining Ercoupe wings. At this time we believe it desirable to reiterate these instructions.
Improper maintenance of the wing fabric causing wing panel failures, resulting in serious Ercoupe accidents.
Aileron balance weights, in addition to being a maintenance problem, might present a flight hazard if permitted to become loose and remain that way.
Methods for inspection of control surfaces for cracks and excessive play and checking controls for excessive movement.
Instructions and materials list for the installation of elevator trim tab stops and springs on early Ercoupes.
Failure of the trim tab actuating wire directly in front of the tab control horn, has been reported. Failure of the wire in flight may cause the elevator to flutter.