Updated Articles

  1. SB 2007-001 Taylorcraft Wing Lift Strut Assembly Corrosion Inspection

    Inspect for and detect any internal or external corrosion of the wing lift strut tube, and thereby prevent wing strut failure and inflight separation of the wing from the airplane resulting in loss of control of the airplane.
  2. SM-68 Ercoupe Hydraulic Fluid Compatibility

    Use of proper hydraulic fluid in early serial number Ercoupes.
  3. SM-67 Ercoupe Eligible Batteries

    List of batteries eligible for installation in Ercoupe/Forney/Alon/Mooney M-10 aircraft.
  4. SM-66 Ercoupe Maintenance of Old Style Carburetor Heat Box Assembly

    Malfunctioning of the automatic carburetor heat used on early Ercoupes causing the carburetor heat arm to be held in closed position when the throttle is opened, as well as preventing full throttle opening, resulting in a dangerous condition.
  5. SM-65 Ercoupe Tail Cone Repair Method

    Method of repairing and reinforcing the tail cone of the Ercoupe fuselage where it is subject to damage when the tail is struck in an accident.
  6. SM-64 Ercoupe Outer Panel Rear Spar Repair Assembly

    A new service assembly has been developed and approved by the C.A.A. This assembly is designed to simplify repair of damage to the inboard end of the outer panel rear spar.
  7. SM-63 Ercoupe Friction Report in Rudder Control

    Difficulty in the rudder control system in which the shaft of the bellcrank assembly froze in the Bakelite bushing so that it made the rudder control difficult to operate.
  8. SM-62 "Ditching" of Ercoupes

    Information on "ditching" operations in Ercoupes.
  9. SM-61 Ercoupe Overhauling of Nose Gear Outer Cylinders - Electrol and Steel

    Rework to improve the life of the outer cylinder for the steel nose gear, and the need for oversize pins to permit the salvaging of the outer cylinder in the Electrol strut.
  10. SM-60 Parachuting From Ercoupes

    Information regarding the difficulties which may be experienced when trying to make a parachute jump from an Ercoupe.