Popular Articles

  1. SM-66 Ercoupe Maintenance of Old Style Carburetor Heat Box Assembly

    Malfunctioning of the automatic carburetor heat used on early Ercoupes causing the carburetor heat arm to be held in closed position when the throttle is opened, as well as preventing full throttle opening, resulting in a dangerous condition.
  2. SB-04 Luscombe Jack Strut Attach

    Inspect for fatigue failure in the bulkhead to which the rear landing gear strut is bolted.
  3. SB 2-48 Luscombe Carburetor Heat Placard

    Installation of placard to insure compliance with requirements of C.A.R. 04a, 651.
  4. SB-61 Piper Aging of Protective Finish on Wood Wing Spars

    A noticeable aging of the spar finish occurs in listed airplane models that are continually exposed to adverse atmospheric conditions.
  5. SB-72 Piper J-3/J-5 Rudder Pedal and Floorboard Attachment Lugs

    Failure of the floorboard and rudder pedal lug attachment to the tubular structure due to continued flexing of these parts during operation.
  6. SB-95 Piper J-3 Defective Glass Fuel Strainer Bowls

    Defects in glass fuel strainer bowls in the form of distortions, internal air bubbles or indication of cold forming.
  7. SB-94 Piper PA-12 Replacement of Glass Fuel Strainer Bowls

    Replacing the glass fuel strainer bowl with an aluminum bowl.
  8. SB-90 Piper PA-12 Safety Wiring of Carburetor Air Box Cap Screws

    Instructions on safety wiring the cap screws currently being used to attach the carburetor air box to the carburetor.
  9. SL-318 Piper PA-18/18A Carburetor Air Filter System Maintenance

    Availability of a modification kit to incorporate the latest type carburetor air filter system on the aircraft models listed above.
  10. SB-528D Piper Wing Lift Strut Inspection

    Revises compliance time, purpose, and instructions for inspection and/or replacement of wing lift strut assembly. Also announces the availability of new sealed lift struts.