Popular Articles

  1. SB-83 Piper Tailspring Attachment Reinforcement

    Installing tailspring attachment reinforcing units, part numbers 30882 and 30871, to prevent tailspring attachment failure.
  2. SL-355 Piper Stainless Steel Control Cables

    The following listing indicates the part numbers of the old type stainless steel control cables and the replacement cables of new design which may be used.
  3. SM-45 Piper J-5C Specifications and Performance

    General specifications for Piper Cub Super Cruiser J5C-100 (commercial models).
  4. SB-65 Piper J-4/J-5 Fuel Tank Repairs

    Instructions for repairs of minor cracks, pin holes and failed spot welds in the stainless steel wing tanks.
  5. Piper Lift Strut Fork - Maximum Extension

    Subject: Typical and maximum number of exposed strut threads as permitted for rigging on Piper aircraft. Applicability: Piper J-3, J-4, J-5, and PA-11 through PA-22 Download PDF: Lift-Strut-Fork-Extension.pdf Piper Strut Thread (Typical ...
  6. AD 75-04-12 Markings on Tachometer

    Prevent possible resonant vibratory conditions with McCauley Model 1A200/HFA fixed pitch propellers installed on Lycoming 0-360-C2A, or -C2E type engines.
  7. SB-07 Alon Engine Cowling Door

    To preclude the possibility of skin cracking around the Camloc fasteners and reinforcement on the engine cowling doors, Alon recommends the following stiffener and reinforcement be added on each door.
  8. SB-08 Alon Tank Filler Cap Rework

    Rework to eliminate the possibility of fuel overflow and in-flight siphoning.
  9. SM-50 Ercoupe Installation of Replacement Aluminum Wing Tanks

    Information and installation instructions for replacing a ternplate fuel tank with an aluminum fuel tank.
  10. SB-68 Piper J-3/J-5 Stabilizer Rear Bearing Bracket

    Failure of the stabilizer rear bearing bracket as a result of improper or insufficient lubrication.