New Articles

  1. AD 49-43-02 Stabilizer Spar Inspection

    Inspect for crushing of the stabilizer front spar and the aluminum alloy reinforcing spacers.
  2. AD 79-10-14 R1 Fuel Tank Venting

    Instructions to provide an alternate source of fuel tank venting in case of fuel tank vent obstruction by foreign material and/or sticking of the fuel vent valve.
  3. AD 82-07-02 Engine Crankcase Breather

    Steps to prevent the possible loss of elevator trim control.
  4. AD 69-15-03 Cracks in Muffler Assembly

    How to detect cracks in the muffler assembly in Cessna model airplanes incorporating Piper Muffler Assembly P/N 10308-00 with the installation of a Lycoming engine.
  5. AD 2002-16-04 Failure of Fuel Line Fittings or Gascolator

    Prevent failure of the fuel line fittings or the gascolator due to the current airplane design configuration. Such failure could result in a lack of fuel to the engine with consequent loss of control of the airplane.
  6. AD 59-25-05 Rudder Reinforcement

    Fatigue failures have continued to occur in the rudder main rib where the control horn is attached after installation of reinforcement plates.
  7. AD 59-05-04 Rear Spar Reinforcement

    Frequent failures of the rear spar center section due to cracking of the upper flange.
  8. AD 57-02-01 Rudder Horn Attachment

    Failures of the rudder horn attachments, attributed to improper ground handling technique rather than to unusual flight loads.
  9. AD 52-25-02 Nose Wheel and Skis

    To eliminate instances of the nose ski coming off when operating on Federal Aircraft Works Model A-1500 skis, a supplementary safety device should be installed.
  10. AD 47-20-08 Battery Box Drain

    Install a new battery box drain tube to extend at least 1/2 inch below the fuselage belly skin if this has not been already incorporated in the airplane.