Ercoupe and Forney

Click on the model number to filter results: Ercoupe 415-C, 415-CD, 415-D, 415-E, 415-G, Forney F-1, F-1A

SB-18 Ercoupe Reinforcement of Center Section Belly Skin

Failures, occurring as cracks in the center section belly skin at the rearmost rivet attachment in the center section belly skin outer stiffeners (415-13056 L/R), have been reported.

SB-19 Ercoupe Modification of Filter Assembly

Interference of the baffle with the filter element within the carburetor filter assembly, resulting in a jamming of the throttle and a lack of proper carburetor heat control, has been reported.

SB-20 Rev A Ercoupe Reinforcement of Ailerons

Modification to increase the strength of the aileron balance weight bracket to beam attachment.

SB-22 Ercoupe Modification of Battery Box

Electrolyte leaking from the battery box will cause corrosion of structural members of the aircraft and deterioration of the baggage compartment. This bulletin provides instructions for modifying the battery box.

SB-23 Ercoupe Modification of Rudder

Increasing the strength of the rudder at the control horn attachment.

SB-24B Ercoupe Replacement of Aluminum Fittings Between Carburetor and Gascolator

Replacement of aluminum fittings between carburetor and gascolator with steel or brass fittings, verification of gascolator braces, and installation of new gascolator.

SB-25 Ercoupe Inspection of Rudder Horn Attachment

Partial or almost complete loss of rudder control of one or both rudders due to partial failure of the rudder horn attachments.

SB-26 Ercoupe Control Column Inspection

Procedure for dye penetrant inspection of control column tee for evidence of cracks.

SB-27 Ercoupe Wing Tip Inspection

Procedure for visual inspection of wing tip area for evidence of cracks.

SB-28 Rev A Ercoupe Fuel Gauge Cork and Tank Slosh Inspection

Procedure for visual inspection of coating on fuel gauge cork floats and inner fuel tanks for deterioration.

SB-29 Rev C Ercoupe Mandatory Outer Wing Panel Inspection

Procedure for visual inspection of outer wing panel structure for evidence of corrosion.

SB-30 Ercoupe Mandatory Ercoupe Muffler Inspection

Procedure for visual inspection of part number 40511 muffler.

SB-31 Rev 1 Ercoupe Wing Center Section Inspection

Procedure for inspection of the wing center section to establish the condition of the center section structure.

SB-32 Ercoupe Mandatory Wing Center Section Inspection

Revisions of existing Ercoupe Service Memoranda 19 and 35.

SB-33 Rev A Ercoupe Fuel Shut Off Valve Position Inspection

Required visual or tactile examination of the wing tank fuel shut off valve and the main fuel shut off valve to insure that both valves are open prior to every flight.

SB-34 Ercoupe Elevator Control Horn Inspection

Concern of dissimilar metal corrosion occurring where the steel elevator control horn attaches to the aluminum lateral stiffener located within the elevator assembly.

SB-35A Ercoupe Aileron Pushrod and Inboard Aileron Inspection

Undetected corrosion in the aileron pushrod tube may lead to failure of the tube, loss of control of the aileron and possible loss of control of the aircraft.

SB-36 Ercoupe Throttle Cable Inspection

Visual inspection of the throttle cable and housing for fatigue and possible cracking.

SM-03 Ercoupe Over-demonstrating

Over-demonstrating the Ercoupe airplane (doing maximum performance maneuvers at minimum altitudes and at minimum speed) can lead to accidents.

SM-07 Ercoupe Exhaust Muffler and Cabin Heater

The recurrence of muffler failures has necessitated redesign of the muffler to eliminate the possibility of carbon monoxide being introduced into the cabin.