Updated Articles

  1. SL-154 Piper Addition of Felt Strips to Wing Tank Cover

    Adding strips of felt to the gas tank cover to improve the clearance between the cover reinforcements and the tank.
  2. SL-153 Piper PA-20 Windshield Supports

    Inspection of the windshield to determine whether or not cracks have appeared due to improperly adjusted windshield support studs.
  3. SL-150 Piper PA-18 Bungee Cables

    Removal of the lower bungee cable as indicated in the attached sketch.
  4. SL-146 Piper PA-20 Front Seat Frame Revision

    Lengthening of the seat guide in order to effect a more positive engagement of the seat at the front attaching point.
  5. SL-145 Piper PA-20 Auxiliary Fuel Line

    There is now available a kit number 752-186 to install the auxiliary fuel line in the Piper Pacer "115", "125" and "135".
  6. SL-144 Piper PA-15/PA-17 Fuselage Door

    Recommendation that two hinge plates, Part Number 11876-00, be installed on the fuselage door hinge as an added safety feature to prevent the rivets from working loose.
  7. SL-143 Piper PA-20 Stabilizer Adjustment Cable Pulley Modification

    Changing the stabilizer adjustment cable fiber rub block to a pulley arrangement to prevent cable slippage and possible cable fraying.
  8. SL-140 Piper PA-20 Rudder Cable Rub Block

    Instructions to eliminate slackness in both the right and left rudder cables.
  9. SL-138 Piper PA-20 Rudder Pedal Tube Attachment

    It is recommended that a #6 x 3/8" Parker Screw be installed in the rudder pedal tube clamp of the right hand rudder pedals to eliminate the possible rotation of the rudder pedal cross tube on the torque tube arm.
  10. SL-136A Piper PA-20/PA-22 Fuel Line Chafing and Fuel Valve Operation

    Inspection of the aluminum fuel lines forward of the fuel valve.