Vibration has caused the quick oil drain valve to break at the rubber washer seal and also at the point where the copper drain tube is soldered.
Correction to the PA-12 Weight and Balance Form regarding the propeller installation arm.
Discovery of sufficient chafing between the oil pressure line and the oil radiator line to cause wear, with the possibility that in time the oil pressure line might develop a leak.
Procedure for correcting the installation of the battery cable to prevent interference with the left rudder cable on the PA-18A agricultural airplane.
Instructions for sealing any gaps or holes in the firewalls with non-hardening fireproof putty.
Addition of one long spring leaf, part number 12567-04, to prevent anticipated damage to the rudder while operating with heavy loads in rough terrain.
Possibility of the flap cables on the PA-18A becoming fouled between the hopper and the diagonal fuselage tube.
Incorporating a new style stop on the brake lever to prevent the brake lever from hitting the gas line.
Inspecting the clearance between the engine mount and the tail pipe, and the entire nose wheel steering control system, between the nose wheel and the rudder pedals, also be checked for adequate clearances.
Modifying applicable aircraft to incorporate the new heavier type clevises currently used in the PA-18 "125" airplanes.