Updated Articles

  1. SM-08 Piper PA-12 Rigging Procedure

    Rigging and leveling procedures for Piper PA-12.
  2. SM-07 Piper J-5 Rigging Procedure

    Rigging and leveling procedures for Piper J-5 aircraft.
  3. SM-06 Piper J-4 Rigging Procedure

    Rigging and leveling procedures for Piper J-4.
  4. SM-01 Piper Seaplane Finishes

    The following information covers seaplane structural finishes called for in Piper Specification No. 10.
  5. SL-1141 Piper Gascolator Maintenance Procedures

    Maintenance procedures for improving the reliability of the gascolator.
  6. SL-1135 Piper Control Cable and Pulley Inspection

    Over time, a chafing condition resulting from the control cable sliding against the stationary pulley groove can cause the control cable to wear completely through, possibly resulting in loss of aileron control during flight.
  7. SL-1069 Piper Flight Control Cable Terminal Corrosion Inspection

    Corrosion and pitting on control cable attachment fittings could lead to loss of some flight controls.
  8. SL-955 Piper Forward Fuel Header Tank Installation

    This service release announces the field availability of a new current production Forward Fuel Header Tank which provides greater resistance to impact rupture in the event of an accident.
  9. SL-953 Piper Shoulder Harness Installation Availability

    Availability of required material and instructions for the installation of an approved shoulder harness at each seat location in all Pipers.
  10. SL-944 Piper Fuel Selector Valve Inspection and Lubrication

    An improperly maintained three-position fuel selector valve could become difficult to rotate; this could result in damage to the selector lever mechanism and/or inability to switch tanks.