Updated Articles

  1. EB-10 Luscombe Crankcase Breather

    Safety measure to prevent possible icing of the lower end of the crankcase breather tube.
  2. SB-06 Luscombe Elevator Cable Pulleys

    Inspect elevator cables for signs of fraying; replace pulleys with ones of larger radius.
  3. SB-08 Lucombe Trimming Bottom of Rudder

    Modification to prevent the tailwheel from hitting the rudder.
  4. SB-01 Silvaire Clevis Pins in Elevator Controls

    Changes for the purposes of flight safety enhancement regarding clevis pins in the flight control system.
  5. SB-01 Luscombe Lost Revs in Continental 50

    A loose exhaust manifold caused the Continental "50" to drop 125 revs. Tightening the manifold instantly recovered the lost power.
  6. SB-07 Luscombe Fin Attach Fitting

    Inspecting the the front fin attachment fitting for cracks around the weld at the fin end.
  7. SB-04 Silvaire Exhaust System Failures

    Corrective measures to prevent failure of the exhaust system.
  8. SB-04 Luscombe Jack Strut Attach

    Inspect for fatigue failure in the bulkhead to which the rear landing gear strut is bolted.
  9. EB-03 Luscombe Rudder Hinge

    Inspect the attachment of lower hinge and if cracks have developed in the spar or rib reinforce with .040 dural or steel channel as shown.
  10. SB-25 Ercoupe Inspection of Rudder Horn Attachment

    Partial or almost complete loss of rudder control of one or both rudders due to partial failure of the rudder horn attachments.