Updated Articles

  1. SB-08 Lucombe Trimming Bottom of Rudder

    Modification to prevent the tailwheel from hitting the rudder.
  2. SB-01 Silvaire Clevis Pins in Elevator Controls

    Changes for the purposes of flight safety enhancement regarding clevis pins in the flight control system.
  3. SB-01 Luscombe Lost Revs in Continental 50

    A loose exhaust manifold caused the Continental "50" to drop 125 revs. Tightening the manifold instantly recovered the lost power.
  4. SB-07 Luscombe Fin Attach Fitting

    Inspecting the the front fin attachment fitting for cracks around the weld at the fin end.
  5. SB-04 Silvaire Exhaust System Failures

    Corrective measures to prevent failure of the exhaust system.
  6. SB-04 Luscombe Jack Strut Attach

    Inspect for fatigue failure in the bulkhead to which the rear landing gear strut is bolted.
  7. EB-03 Luscombe Rudder Hinge

    Inspect the attachment of lower hinge and if cracks have developed in the spar or rib reinforce with .040 dural or steel channel as shown.
  8. SB-25 Ercoupe Inspection of Rudder Horn Attachment

    Partial or almost complete loss of rudder control of one or both rudders due to partial failure of the rudder horn attachments.
  9. SB-32 Ercoupe Mandatory Wing Center Section Inspection

    Revisions of existing Ercoupe Service Memoranda 19 and 35.
  10. SB-22 Ercoupe Modification of Battery Box

    Electrolyte leaking from the battery box will cause corrosion of structural members of the aircraft and deterioration of the baggage compartment. This bulletin provides instructions for modifying the battery box.