Correcting low oil temperature in the engine during cold weather operation.
Modifications to prevent fuel line failures aft of the firewall.
Installation of placard to insure compliance with requirements of C.A.R. 04a, 651.
Modifications to Decker 501A tail installation to prevent interference with the lower edge of the rudder under certain conditions.
Arranging baffling for better engine cooling.
Instance of a crack developing in service across a jury strut fitting on a lift strut.
How to repair cracks in the tail tray (horizontal bulkhead located in the tail of the fuselage just under the horizontal stabilizer).
Failure of the rod end fitting on the lower end of the landing gear jack strut on the two piece landing gear.
Inspection and alteration of tail bulkhead and fin spar for clearance of elevator horn.
Instructions on proper care of the airplane control system to reduce control cable fraying.