Updated Articles

  1. EB-11 Luscombe Cold Weather Operation

    Correcting low oil temperature in the engine during cold weather operation.
  2. EB-14 Luscombe Fuel Line Change

    Modifications to prevent fuel line failures aft of the firewall.
  3. SB 2-48 Luscombe Carburetor Heat Placard

    Installation of placard to insure compliance with requirements of C.A.R. 04a, 651.
  4. SB 1-48 Luscombe Decker Tailwheel Rudder Modification

    Modifications to Decker 501A tail installation to prevent interference with the lower edge of the rudder under certain conditions.
  5. EB-13 Luscombe Baffle Modifications

    Arranging baffling for better engine cooling.
  6. SL-01 Luscombe Jury Struts

    Instance of a crack developing in service across a jury strut fitting on a lift strut.
  7. SB-05 Luscombe Tail Tray Reinforcement

    How to repair cracks in the tail tray (horizontal bulkhead located in the tail of the fuselage just under the horizontal stabilizer).
  8. SB-02 Silvaire Jack Strut Clevis Failure

    Failure of the rod end fitting on the lower end of the landing gear jack strut on the two piece landing gear.
  9. EB-23 Luscombe More Clearance for Elevator Horn

    Inspection and alteration of tail bulkhead and fin spar for clearance of elevator horn.
  10. SB 1-51 Luscombe Cable Fraying

    Instructions on proper care of the airplane control system to reduce control cable fraying.