Testing for secure attachment of flexible hose end fittings.
Testing for secure attachment of flexible hose end fittings.
A noticeable aging of the spar finish occurs in listed airplane models that are continually exposed to adverse atmospheric conditions.
A noticeable aging of the spar finish occurs in listed airplane models that are continually exposed to adverse atmospheric conditions.
Tightening engine mounting bolts to obtain a torque of (40) inch pounds.
Replacing the shimmy dampener currently installed in the affected model aircraft with new shimmy dampener, part number 13086-00, and instructions for continuing maintenance at regular intervals.
Increase in gross weight 1800 to 1950 pounds (Lycoming 0-290-d engine) (125 hp only).
Approximate amount of materials required to recover PA-20 and PA-22 models using raw fabric and cellulose acetate butyrate dope.
Model PA-22 rigging procedure (supplement to PA-20 Rigging Procedure).
Correction to Owner's Handbooks for the listed models.