Updated Articles

  1. SB-141 Piper Fuel Selector Valve

    Possibility of the fuel valve detent pins in a few valves were improperly centered, thus preventing positive indication of valve position.
  2. SB-122 Piper Fuel Grade Specification for Lycoming O-290-D2 Engines

    Correction to the fuel grade specification in flight manuals and fuel tank placards for the Lycoming O-290-D2 engines.
  3. SB-122 Piper Fuel Grade Specification for Lycoming O-290-D2 Engines

    Correction to the fuel grade specification in flight manuals and fuel tank placards for the Lycoming O-290-D2 engines.
  4. SB-118 Piper Battery Box Lid Modification

    Modifying the battery box lid to eliminate the possibility of "shorting" the battery terminal wing nuts.
  5. SB-118 Piper Battery Box Lid Modification

    Modifying the battery box lid to eliminate the possibility of "shorting" the battery terminal wing nuts.
  6. SB-111 Piper Torque Tube Connector Tube Assembly

    Inspection to ascertain that the flattened tube end fitting at each end of the connector tube is riveted in place as shown in sketch.
  7. SB-111 Piper Torque Tube Connector Tube Assembly

    Inspection to ascertain that the flattened tube end fitting at each end of the connector tube is riveted in place as shown in sketch.
  8. SB-83 Piper Tailspring Attachment Reinforcement

    Installing tailspring attachment reinforcing units, part numbers 30882 and 30871, to prevent tailspring attachment failure.
  9. SB-82 Piper Safety Wire for Control System Turnbuckles

    Due to a number of reported failures of single strand .032" safety wire used on control system turnbuckles, it is considered necessary to replace the safety wire with single strand .040" brass or copper wire.
  10. SB-82 Piper Safety Wire for Control System Turnbuckles

    Due to a number of reported failures of single strand .032" safety wire used on control system turnbuckles, it is considered necessary to replace the safety wire with single strand .040" brass or copper wire.