Updated Articles

  1. SL-109 Piper Winter Operation Recommendations

    Recommended modifications for winter operations of Piper J-3, PA-11 and PA-12 aircraft.
  2. SA MISC/TP-1004 Piper Servicing Air Filter with Paper Cartridge

    Servicing instructions for the carburetor air filter with paper cartridge.
  3. SA MISC/TP-1000 Piper Replacing Brake Drum Flange on Wheel Assembly

    Procedures for replacing brake drum flanges on PA-22, PA-23, PA-24 and PA-25 wheel assemblies.
  4. SA MISC/TP-1001A Piper Engine Mounting

    Tightening engine mounting bolts to obtain a torque of (40) inch pounds.
  5. SB P-1 Univair Throttle Inspection in Piper Airplanes

    Steps to preclude failure of the U12694 series throttle cables, which could cause loss of full travel of the throttle control.
  6. SB P-1 Univair Throttle Inspection in Piper Airplanes

    Steps to preclude failure of the U12694 series throttle cables, which could cause loss of full travel of the throttle control.
  7. SB P-1 Univair Throttle Inspection in Piper Airplanes

    Steps to preclude failure of the U12694 series throttle cables, which could cause loss of full travel of the throttle control.
  8. SB-1041 Piper Inspection and Cleaning of Airborne Air Filter Elements

    The possibility exists where the airplane's gyro vacuum/pressure system may become contaminated by loose particles originating from the air filter element.
  9. SB-1041 Piper Inspection and Cleaning of Airborne Air Filter Elements

    The possibility exists where the airplane's gyro vacuum/pressure system may become contaminated by loose particles originating from the air filter element.
  10. SB-1026 Piper Inspection of Dry Air Pump Flexible Couplings

    A condition exists where the flexible coupling connecting the vacuum pump may fail prematurely, causing a loss of vacuum/pressure with the resultant loss of vacuum/pressure instruments and other appliances.