Updated Articles

  1. SL-161 Piper "Duraclad" Finish

    Inquiries relative to the new "Duraclad" finish on our 1951 Model airplanes.
  2. SL-161 Piper "Duraclad" Finish

    Inquiries relative to the new "Duraclad" finish on our 1951 Model airplanes.
  3. SL-161 Piper "Duraclad" Finish

    Inquiries relative to the new "Duraclad" finish on our 1951 Model airplanes.
  4. SL-154 Piper Addition of Felt Strips to Wing Tank Cover

    Adding strips of felt to the gas tank cover to improve the clearance between the cover reinforcements and the tank.
  5. SL-154 Piper Addition of Felt Strips to Wing Tank Cover

    Adding strips of felt to the gas tank cover to improve the clearance between the cover reinforcements and the tank.
  6. SL-154 Piper Addition of Felt Strips to Wing Tank Cover

    Adding strips of felt to the gas tank cover to improve the clearance between the cover reinforcements and the tank.
  7. SL-109 Piper Winter Operation Recommendations

    Recommended modifications for winter operations of Piper J-3, PA-11 and PA-12 aircraft.
  8. SL-109 Piper Winter Operation Recommendations

    Recommended modifications for winter operations of Piper J-3, PA-11 and PA-12 aircraft.
  9. SA MISC/TP-1004 Piper Servicing Air Filter with Paper Cartridge

    Servicing instructions for the carburetor air filter with paper cartridge.
  10. SA MISC/TP-1000 Piper Replacing Brake Drum Flange on Wheel Assembly

    Procedures for replacing brake drum flanges on PA-22, PA-23, PA-24 and PA-25 wheel assemblies.