Updated Articles

  1. AD 2025-02-11 Rudder Replacement in Piper Aircraft

    Title: Mandatory replacement of any rudder/rudder post made from 1025 carbon steel with a rudder/rudder post made from 4130N steel on certain Piper aircraft models. Effective Date: February 11, 2025 Subject: The FAA is adopting a new airwo...
  2. AD 2009-22-02 Inspection of Rear Seat Back Hinge Area

    Required inspection of the rear seat back hinge areas for cracking and excessive elongation of the rear seat hinge bolt hole and replacement of the rear seat frame if necessary.
  3. AD 2005-24-10 Pilot's Operating Handbook Limitation

    Required inspection for incorrect swaging width of the cable Nicopress sleeves on the elevator, rudder, aileron, and flap control cables, and make a temporary POH limitation entry.
  4. Piper PA-12 Flap STC Holder Information

    Contact information for purchasing STC-SA578AL for the "Day and Night" Piper PA-12 flap installation.
  5. SM-03A Piper Aluminum Spar Repair Information

    Spar repair information for Piper aircraft with aluminum spars.
  6. Shock Cords General Information

    Identification, dating, damage and wear, and storage life of shock cords.
  7. O-Ring Sizes and AN to MS Cross Reference

    Cross reference chart of AN and MS o-rings with inner/outer dimensions and widths.
  8. AN Hardware Guide

    This 4 page illustrated guide shows the AN3 through AN6264 hardware available from Univair.
  9. AD 48-13-07 Turnbuckle Fork Replacement

    To eliminate interference and failure of the turnbuckle forks at the attachment points of the two elevator control cables to the horn located on the bottom of the control column, confirm that AN 161-16RS turnbuckle forks have been replaced by AN 160-16S forks.
  10. SB-528D Piper Wing Lift Strut Inspection

    Revises compliance time, purpose, and instructions for inspection and/or replacement of wing lift strut assembly. Also announces the availability of new sealed lift struts.