
Stinson 108 Series

SL-66 Stinson Cleaning Carburetor Air Filter and Use of Carburetor Hot Air

In order to prevent early engine wear, resulting from the entrance of foreign matter through the carburetor induction system, we strongly recommend that carburetor air filters be inspected daily when the airplane is operated under very dusty conditions.

SL-70 Stinson Seaplane Operation

Under certain conditions, engine failure can occur directly after take-off due to lack of fuel in seaplanes equipped with wing fuel tanks.

SL-71 Stinson Care of Battery and Battery Box

Instructions for inspecting batteries and battery boxes in order to eliminate costly replacement charges.

SL-73A Conversion of Stinson Model 108 to 108-1 or 108-2

Information on the required considerable re-design of the aircraft structure to accommodate the increased gross weight and higher engine horsepower when converting a Stinson Model 108 to Model 108-1 or -2.

SL-74A Stinson Installation of Franklin 165hp Engine and Bungee

Information on the installation of Franklin 6A4-165-B3 165hp engine and rudder bungee on Stinson 108 and 108-1 airplanes.

SL-75 Stinson Rework of Plunger Assembly

Reworking the ring groove on installation of new wiper rings.

SL-76 Stinson Replacement of Control Surface Bearings

Procedure for replacing CS-2170 bearings with substitutes.

SL-77 Stinson Fuel Selector Valve Indexing

When replacing Stinson fuel selector valves, if the valves are not indexed properly in relation to the panel mounted selector knob an unsafe condition could be created.

SL-78 Stinson Fuel Cap Orientation

An unsafe condition may be created if the vent tube of the fuel cap assembly is not pointed directly into the oncoming air.

SL-79 Stinson Operating Limitations Placard

The wording on the Operating Limitations Placard used on Stinson Model 108 does not agree with the placard description in the Type Certificate Data Sheet A-767. A revised placard is now available.