Popular Articles

  1. SB-77 Piper J-2 and J-3 Seats, Safety Belts and Control Cables

    Inspecting the condition of the seat bottoms and braces for cracks, and inspecting the control cables for wearing.
  2. SB-40 Piper J-3 Outlet Reinforcement on 12 Gallon Fuel Tanks

    Installation of a reinforcing patch around the fuel outlet fitting of the fuel tank.
  3. SB-184 Piper PA-22 Safety Belt Attachment

    Reports that the front seat center safety belts are showing evidence of deterioration due to heat from the rear seat heater outlet.
  4. AD 78-20-11 Aileron Control Malfunction

    Inspect the two aileron stop pins (Taylorcraft P/N A-235) of the aileron control assembly.
  5. SM-35A Rev A Ercoupe Rigging - Elevator, Models E and F

    Suggested procedure for use in rigging, or making adjustments to the rigging, of the new elevator type in 1948 Ercoupe models.
  6. SB-11 Ercoupe Keying of Elevator Trim Unit Handle Crank Shaft and Worm Wheel Shaft

    Changes have been effected to prevent further failures in the elevator trim unit handle crank shaft and worm wheel shaft.
  7. SB-27 Ercoupe Wing Tip Inspection

    Procedure for visual inspection of wing tip area for evidence of cracks.
  8. SL-221 Piper Carburetor Air Filter

    The importance of proper maintenance of the carburetor air filter for satisfactory service life of the engine.
  9. SM-22 Piper Materials to Recover Component Parts

    Approximate list of materials required to cover and finish the various component assemblies of the listed piper planes.
  10. SB-48 Piper J-4 Muffler Inspection to Prevent Engine Failure

    Remedial measures for preventing muffler and engine failures.