Piper PA-11

SB-99 Piper PA-11 Header Tank Installation

Installation of the header tank kit to prevent possible malfunctioning of the engine due to insufficient fuel flow in prolonged glides or dives with less than five gallons of fuel in the main tank.

SB-103 Piper J-3/PA-11 Shock Strut Stop Discs

Replacing rubber stop discs with leather discs at the next periodic inspection.

SB-104 Piper PA-11/PA-12 Fuel Line Fitting

Loose end fitting on the flexible fuel line connecting the fuel strainer to the carburetor.

SB-108 Piper PA-11 Front and Rear Seats

Proper maintenance and inspection of front and rear seat backs to prevent failure due to deformations in seat frames.

SB-111 Piper Torque Tube Connector Tube Assembly

Inspection to ascertain that the flattened tube end fitting at each end of the connector tube is riveted in place as shown in sketch.

SB-112B Piper J-3 Thru PA-17 Service Inspection Notes

These inspection notes are issued as a recommended check list to assist owners, operators, and maintenance personnel in keeping their Piper airplanes in an airworthy condition.

SB-113 Piper PA-11 Weight and Balance

The weight and balance forms which were issued with all Model PA-11-90 airplanes, prior to serial number 11-993, are not correct in so far as loading and C. G. limits specified are concerned.

SB-120 Piper J-3/PA-11 Replacement of Front and Rear Lift Strut Forks and Barrels

Failures of lift struts caused by abuse, failure to replace lift struts after ground accidents, and the use of damaged parts from scrapped airplanes as service replacement parts.

SB-165 Piper Aileron Hinge Reinforcing Bracket

Replacing aluminum aileron hinge reinforcing bracket with one made of steel, part number 10931-02.

SB-522 Piper Wing Fuel Tank Cap Modification

Reports of collapsed wing mounted fuel tanks due to inadequate venting of the tank.

SB-528D Piper Wing Lift Strut Inspection

Revises compliance time, purpose, and instructions for inspection and/or replacement of wing lift strut assembly. Also announces the availability of new sealed lift struts.

SB-573 Piper Wing Fuel Tank Cap Modification

A recent fuel tank collapse was attributed to inadequate venting, caused by obstruction of the cap vent holes installed per Piper Service Bulletin No. 522.

SB-868 Piper Forward Fuel Header Tank Installation

Installing an improved forward fuel header tank with thicker walls and welded seals, which provides greater resistance to impact rupture in the event of an accident.

SB P-1 Univair Throttle Inspection in Piper Airplanes

Steps to preclude failure of the U12694 series throttle cables, which could cause loss of full travel of the throttle control.

SL-100 Univair Stamped Piper Aluminum Rib Field Repair Process

Outlines the repair of Univair STC'd Stamped Ribs in accordance with the original STC and FAA Advisory Circular AC 43.13-1B.

SL-109 Piper Winter Operation Recommendations

Recommended modifications for winter operations of Piper J-3, PA-11 and PA-12 aircraft.

SL-131 Piper Muffler Tailpipe Inspection

Inspecting the entire muffler assembly and tailpipe for cracks in PA-11 aircraft.

SL-154 Piper Addition of Felt Strips to Wing Tank Cover

Adding strips of felt to the gas tank cover to improve the clearance between the cover reinforcements and the tank.

SL-298A Obsolete Aircraft Notice From Piper

This letter is to advise all concerned that as of September 1st, 1962, the Piper Aircraft Corporation considers the following aircraft models obsolete inasmuch as they have been out of production for at least seven years.

SL-955 Piper Forward Fuel Header Tank Installation

This service release announces the field availability of a new current production Forward Fuel Header Tank which provides greater resistance to impact rupture in the event of an accident.