New Articles

  1. SB-267 Stinson Fuel Seepage Into Cabin

    Installation of a drip strip to prevent fuel overflow from the wing tanks seeping into the cabin.
  2. SL-40 Stinson Compass Deviation

    Reports of compass deviation on the Voyager ranging as high as 20°.
  3. SL-48 Stinson Removal of Lens and Dome Light and Radio Grille

    Procedure to reduce the possibility of breakage through incorrect removal of the dome light lens.
  4. SL-58 Stinson Field Refinishing Procedure

    Procedure for repairing paint failure on metal surfaces.
  5. SL-71 Stinson Care of Battery and Battery Box

    Instructions for inspecting batteries and battery boxes in order to eliminate costly replacement charges.
  6. SL-64 Stinson Mixture Controls - Leaning Out for Improved Economy

    The described procedure provides the best performance and observance of proper mixture control will materially decrease fuel consumption.
  7. SL-66 Stinson Cleaning Carburetor Air Filter and Use of Carburetor Hot Air

    In order to prevent early engine wear, resulting from the entrance of foreign matter through the carburetor induction system, we strongly recommend that carburetor air filters be inspected daily when the airplane is operated under very dusty conditions.
  8. SL-70 Stinson Seaplane Operation

    Under certain conditions, engine failure can occur directly after take-off due to lack of fuel in seaplanes equipped with wing fuel tanks.
  9. SL-53 Stinson Accident Reports

    We would like to become more closely acquainted with what is happening in the field particularly with respect to accidents. Form 19-P-40 has been developed for reporting to the factory on such accidents.
  10. SL-56 Stinson Tinnerman Nuts

    Listing of the types and quantity of Tinnerman nuts used per plane.