New Articles

  1. AD 75-17-16 Engine Power Loss

    Directions to prevent possible engine power loss due to fatigue failure of the carburetor alternate air valves.
  2. AD 72-18-03 Corrosion of Rudder and Elevator Cables

    How to detect battery acid corrosion of elevator and rudder control cables and corrosion of other airframe components in the battery area.
  3. AD 71-20-04 Lower Fuselage Longeron

    How to prevent structural failure of the lower longerons.
  4. AD 64-04-03 Air Door Hinge

    As a result of several cases of engine power loss due to the carburetor alternate air door being sucked into the engine, make the spring loaded alternate air door inoperative by one of the following methods.
  5. AD 90-15-15 R1 Front Spar Strut Fittings

    Directions to prevent failure of the upper wing front spar strut fittings, P/N 2-1976, that could result in an in-flight separation of the wing.
  6. AD 74-15-07 Propeller Mounting

    Verify that the propeller is properly indexed to the crankshaft flange.
  7. AD 2004-19-01 Upper Shoulder Harness Adjusters

    Inspect and, if necessary, modify the pilot/co-pilot upper shoulder harness adjusters that have certain Cessna accessory kits incorporated.
  8. AD 79-08-03 Electrical System Failure

    How to prevent an inflight electrical system failure, smoke in the cockpit, and/or fire in the wire bundle behind the instrument panel.
  9. AD 61-25-01 Unsafe Condition in Main Gear

    Steps to correct an unsafe condition in the main gear (Met-Co-Aire Tricycle Landing Gear).
  10. AD 48-25-03 Wing Drag Wire System

    Inspect wing drag wire system for loose or broken drag wires and inspect ribs for damage.