New Articles

  1. SL-207 Piper Oil Quick Drain Valve Assembly

    Vibration has caused the quick oil drain valve to break at the rubber washer seal and also at the point where the copper drain tube is soldered.
  2. SL-1141 Piper Gascolator Maintenance Procedures

    Maintenance procedures for improving the reliability of the gascolator.
  3. SB-47 Piper J-2/J-3 Preparation for Winter Operation

    There are several items of equipment in the engine installation which should be carefully inspected to insure satisfactory winter operation.
  4. SB-78 Piper J-2 Wing Drag Wire Inspection

    Inspecting wings for broken drag wires.
  5. SB-81 Piper Motor Mount Failure

    Recommendations to prevent motor mount failures.
  6. SB-83 Piper Tailspring Attachment Reinforcement

    Installing tailspring attachment reinforcing units, part numbers 30882 and 30871, to prevent tailspring attachment failure.
  7. SB-1044 Piper Provision for Inspection Access on Forward Side of Spar

    To provide inspection access for the lift strut attachment fitting on the forward side of the front spar and to provide details for the inspection of wing components for corrosion.
  8. SL-216A Piper Replacement of Aileron Hinge Bearing Blocks

    Repairs made in the aileron hinge bearing blocks utilizing dural rivets are unauthorized and all dural rivets must be removed and replaced with soft steel round head rivets of appropriate size.
  9. SL-220 Piper Brass Safety Wire

    It has been found that the .040" brass safety wire which is being used to safety the propeller hub bolts does not provide a safety that is completely satisfactory.
  10. SL-221 Piper Carburetor Air Filter

    The importance of proper maintenance of the carburetor air filter for satisfactory service life of the engine.