Updated Articles

  1. SB-09 Ercoupe Muffler Tube Clamp

    The tube clamps used to secure the muffler to the exhaust stacks have not been providing satisfactory service in that they permit the muffler to loosen and move around.
  2. SB-08 Ercoupe Battery Box Drain Tube Length

    The battery box drain tube on the affected airplanes may in some cases be insufficiently long to protrude 1/2 inch below the belly skin of the airplane.
  3. SB-07 Ercoupe Directions For Load Testing Aileron Control System

    Load testing a defective part (number 415-52129 Shaft Assembly Control Column) in the aileron control system.
  4. FSB-111 Ercoupe Fuel System Modification for Drainage

    Installation of Forney Modification Kit #29 to provide effective drainage of the fuselage tank and wing tanks by the use of quick drain fixtures.
  5. FSB-109 Ercoupe Addition of Drain Holes

    Provisions for expelling water and gasoline from the forward belly regions of the aircraft for all normal parking attitudes.
  6. FSB-108 Ercoupe Re-routing of Oil Breather Line

    The re-routing of the oil breather line will empty oil vapors almost directly to the outside of the airplane, helping to eliminate an excessively dirty engine compartment.
  7. FSB-105 Ercoupe Modification of Rudder

    Steps to increase the strength of the rudder at the control horn attachment.
  8. FSB-103 Ercoupe Nose Gear Scissors Attaching Bolts No. 415-34330

    Bolts 415-34330 are made of case hardened, SAE 1113 steel, and a few of them purchased from an outside source have been found to be too brittle. Immediate replacement with standard AN 5-26 bolts is strongly recommended.
  9. EIL-1 Conversion of Ercoupes to Later Models

    Information on converting a Model 415-CD to a Model D or E; and Model 415-C to Model D or E.
  10. EIL-2 Ercoupe Flight Manual, 415-C

    Required operation limitations for 75HP model 415-C, per supplement No. 6 of FAA No. 43 dated August 15, 1942.