Updated Articles

  1. SB-07 Ercoupe Directions For Load Testing Aileron Control System

    Load testing a defective part (number 415-52129 Shaft Assembly Control Column) in the aileron control system.
  2. FSB-111 Ercoupe Fuel System Modification for Drainage

    Installation of Forney Modification Kit #29 to provide effective drainage of the fuselage tank and wing tanks by the use of quick drain fixtures.
  3. FSB-109 Ercoupe Addition of Drain Holes

    Provisions for expelling water and gasoline from the forward belly regions of the aircraft for all normal parking attitudes.
  4. FSB-108 Ercoupe Re-routing of Oil Breather Line

    The re-routing of the oil breather line will empty oil vapors almost directly to the outside of the airplane, helping to eliminate an excessively dirty engine compartment.
  5. FSB-105 Ercoupe Modification of Rudder

    Steps to increase the strength of the rudder at the control horn attachment.
  6. FSB-103 Ercoupe Nose Gear Scissors Attaching Bolts No. 415-34330

    Bolts 415-34330 are made of case hardened, SAE 1113 steel, and a few of them purchased from an outside source have been found to be too brittle. Immediate replacement with standard AN 5-26 bolts is strongly recommended.
  7. EIL-1 Conversion of Ercoupes to Later Models

    Information on converting a Model 415-CD to a Model D or E; and Model 415-C to Model D or E.
  8. EIL-2 Ercoupe Flight Manual, 415-C

    Required operation limitations for 75HP model 415-C, per supplement No. 6 of FAA No. 43 dated August 15, 1942.
  9. EIL-3 Ercoupe Cruise Control Tables

    Cruise control tables for Ercoupe models 415-C, CD, and G for inclusion in FAA approved Airplane Flight Manuals.
  10. SB 7-1 Luscombe Fuselage Tank Inspection

    Inspecting the fuselage fuel tank to insure that the cable attaching system is not excessively tight.