Piper J-4 thru PA-22 and PA-25

ADs for Type Certificates A-691, A-692, A-698, A-703, A-725, A-780, A-797, A-800, 1A1, A-805, 1A2, 1A4, 1A6, 2A8

AD 72-21-03 Fuel Line Failure

Prevention of potential in-flight fire due to fuel line failure.

AD 72-01-07 Failure of Engine Mount

Prevention of possible failure of the engine mount.

AD 69-23-03 Lower Longeron Inspection

How to determine if the lower longerons are made from 1025 steel or the approved 4130 steel. To be accomplished before further flight.

AD 68-05-01 Exhaust Mufflers

Inspection of the engine exhaust muffler and shroud assembly, carburetor heat shroud and air duct, support braces, clamps and brackets, exhaust stacks and manifolds.

AD 67-24-02 Engine Fuel Starvation

To forestall the possibility of engine fuel starvation during takeoff operations, install a placard on the right fuel quantity gauge.

AD 67-14-07 Engine Exhaust System

Inspect to prevent further failures of engine exhaust system components.

AD 65-15-05 Elevator Control System

Steps to prevent loss of the elevator control system as a result of worn clevis bolts.

AD 64-24-05 Fuselage Landing Gear Fitting Seals

How to correct air leaks, which permit entrance of engine fumes into the cockpit, in the area of the fuselage right main landing gear fittings.

AD 64-05-04 Upper Main Oleo Bearings

Inspection, cleaning and replacement of upper bearing in the oleo strut.

AD 63-17-05 Landing Gear Shock Struts

Steps to preclude weld separations on the end of the landing gear shock strut assembly.

AD 62-02-06 Wing Spar Hinge Fitting

Replace the aluminum front spar wing-to-fuselage attachment fittings with steel forgings.

AD 62-02-05 Rudder Cable Attachment Lug

Steps to preclude failure of the rudder cable attachment fitting lug at the weld on rudder pedals.

AD 61-16-05 Control Cable Replacement

Steps to preclude loss of control of the airplane as a result of failed nicopress sleeves in the control system.

AD 60-10-08 Fuel Selector Valve

Several accidents have occurred involving engine fuel starvation attributed to a lack of detent action in the fuel selector valve.

AD 60-05-03 Safety Belt

Installation of safety belt extension on the front seat belt to eliminate deterioration due to rear seat heater damage and chafing.

AD 60-01-07 Tail Brace Wires

Steps to prevent the possibility of a catastrophic accident in the event of tail brace wire failure.

AD 59-10-08 Gas Tank Cap Vent

Reworking the vents in fuel tank caps to comply with AD 56-26-02.

AD 58-16-01 Cigar Lighter Fuse

Short circuit caused by a faulty cigar lighter element possibly resulting in blowing of the master fuses.

AD 58-12-02 Aileron Hinge Brackets

Inspection of aileron hinge reinforcing brackets to determine the type of material. All aluminum brackets are to be removed and replaced with steel brackets.

AD 58-01-07 Control System Turnbuckles

Inspection and reworking the turnbuckles to preclude the possibility of fork end failures in the control system.