New Articles

  1. AD 2005-24-10 Pilot's Operating Handbook Limitation

    Required inspection for incorrect swaging width of the cable Nicopress sleeves on the elevator, rudder, aileron, and flap control cables, and make a temporary POH limitation entry.
  2. AD 2000-25-02 R1 Wood Spars

    Requires inspecting the front and rear wood spars for damage, including installing any as-needed inspection holes; and repairing or replacing any damaged wood spar.
  3. AD 2008-09-18 Wing Strut Attach Fittings

    Wing separation from the airplane after the wing strut attach fitting failed due to corrosion.
  4. SAFO 10018 Powder Coating of Sealed Lift Struts

    Powder coating of aircraft wing struts.
  5. PMA Supplement List

    Download the PDF spreadsheet of all FAA Parts Manufacturing Approval eligible parts available from Univair. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this file. Once you have opened the file, you can search for a particular part number by ...
  6. VSP-118 Piper Lycoming Service Instruction No. 1267C "Piston Pin Plug Usage"

    Information regarding piston pin plug replacement during engine overhaul.
  7. SAIB CE-14-03 Inspection of Ercoupe Main Wing Spar for Inappropriate Modifications and/or Unapproved Holes

    The use of standard inspection methods to determine any presence of unauthorized holes or cracks in the main spar assembly or any components thereof.
  8. TCDS for Ercoupe

    Download PDF Type Certificate Data Sheets for Ercoupe, Forney, Alon and Mooney M10 aircraft.
  9. TCDS for Aeronca, Champion, Citabria and Bellanca

    Download PDF Type Certificate Data Sheets for Aeronca, Champion, Citabria and Bellanca aircraft.
  10. TCDS for Taylorcraft

    Download PDF Type Certificate Data Sheets for Taylorcraft Model A Series, B Series, F-19, F-21 and F-21A aircraft.