
Luscombe 8 Series

SB Luscombe Rigging Instructions For Metal Wings

Rigging instructions for Model 8 Silvaire with metal wings.

SB Luscombe Rudder Horn Inspection

Inspection of 18432 rudder horn for excessive wear and elongation of eyebolt attachment holes.

SB Luscombe Square Fin Attach Fitting

Inspection of front fin attachment fitting for looseness on aircraft with square tip fin.

SB Luscombe Square Stabilizer Rework

Rework required to permit interchangeability of new type (square tip) stabilizer with old elevators.

SB-01 Luscombe Lost Revs in Continental 50

A loose exhaust manifold caused the Continental "50" to drop 125 revs. Tightening the manifold instantly recovered the lost power.

SB-01 Silvaire Clevis Pins in Elevator Controls

Changes for the purposes of flight safety enhancement regarding clevis pins in the flight control system.

SB-02 Silvaire Jack Strut Clevis Failure

Failure of the rod end fitting on the lower end of the landing gear jack strut on the two piece landing gear.

SB-03 Silvaire Cable Rubbing Fuel Line

Correcting the condition of the aileron cable pulleys rubbing on the fuel line in the area of the wing root leading edge and the upper end of the forward door post.

SB-04 Luscombe Jack Strut Attach

Inspect for fatigue failure in the bulkhead to which the rear landing gear strut is bolted.

SB-04 Silvaire Exhaust System Failures

Corrective measures to prevent failure of the exhaust system.

SB-05 Luscombe Tail Tray Reinforcement

How to repair cracks in the tail tray (horizontal bulkhead located in the tail of the fuselage just under the horizontal stabilizer).

SB-06 Luscombe Elevator Cable Pulleys

Inspect elevator cables for signs of fraying; replace pulleys with ones of larger radius.

SB-07 Luscombe Fin Attach Fitting

Inspecting the the front fin attachment fitting for cracks around the weld at the fin end.

SB-08 Lucombe Trimming Bottom of Rudder

Modification to prevent the tailwheel from hitting the rudder.

SB 1-46 Luscombe Baffle Modifications for Better Cooling

Recommendations to insure proper cooling of the engine.

SB 1-48 Luscombe Decker Tailwheel Rudder Modification

Modifications to Decker 501A tail installation to prevent interference with the lower edge of the rudder under certain conditions.

SB 1-51 Luscombe Cable Fraying

Instructions on proper care of the airplane control system to reduce control cable fraying.

SB 2-46 Luscombe Gear Rework to Eliminate Toe In

Rework instructions for alignment of landing gear wheels.

SB 2-47 Luscombe Prop Spinner Installation

Installation of improved propeller spinner attachment.

SB 2-48 Luscombe Carburetor Heat Placard

Installation of placard to insure compliance with requirements of C.A.R. 04a, 651.