Inspect for fatigue cracks in the elevator spar web at the hinges.
Remove the forward part of the tunnel fairing on the cockpit floor and inspect the control cable horns on the rudder bar for signs of bending.
Due to the independent suspension of the floats, racking loads imposed by rough water operation can cause extensive structural damage. As a result, the following inspections and modifications are necessary.
How to eliminate the possibility of confusion in the operation of the fuel selector valve.
Steps to preclude the possibility of fuel coming in contact with the left exhaust manifold in the event of a failure in the primer line.
Inspect the wing leading edge for indications of buckling in the skin which may result from failure of the spot welds attaching the skin to the nose ribs.
Inspect the forward doorposts for cracks, particularly the flange section leading from the post to the instrument panel and the post itself below the top rivet cluster.
To prevent possible locking of aileron system at full throw, install carry-through bar between the ends of the aileron control chain.
Replace each of the four internal wrenching bolts which attach the engine to the engine mount with an AN 6 bolt and a special offset washer.
Replacing U.S. Rubber Co. flexible ducts installed in the carburetor hot air system with P-208-S duct or P-208 duct coated with neoprene.
Rework attachment of windshield upper edge to insure that the windshield will not pull out at the top and alter airflow, seriously affecting operation of the airplane.
Reinforce attachment of the safety belt brackets to the skin of the fuselage.
Remove the auxiliary rudder stops to eliminate the possibility of the bellcrank flange catching on the bolt heads and locking the system.